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Steam Locomotive 'C12-49' (Keiji Arai)
桐生市宮本町二丁目 桐生が岡公園管理事務所
Miyamoto-cho 2-chome Kiryu-city
(0277)22-4442・Oka Park Administrative Office


・ 遊園地休園日は火曜日。その他年末年始など臨時休園あり。
・ 3〜10月:午前9時30分から午後5時まで。11〜2月は午後4時まで。
・ 入園、SLの閲覧、乗降は無料

 In Kiryuu's Oka Park, there is a steam locomotive (SL). Built in 1934, it travelled the tracks of the National Railroad's Ashio Line until October, 1968. In 1970 Kiryuu City borrowed it from the Takazaki Railway Administrative Office for exhibit in Oka Park.

 Since then, the eight members of the SL Fan Club, part of the JR Old Boy's Network - Kiryuu Local (Branch leader Syuichi Ishihara) and headed by Yoshio Sugiyama, have held a railway event called "Boiler Polishing" in the park twice yearly, once before the cherry trees bloom and again on October 14, Railroad Day.

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Copyright 1988 by S.Neko & KAIC