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Ryuu Shima, the first female photographer and Koku Shima,
printing type inventor
(Katsuji Shima)
Umeda-cho 1-chome Kiryu-city






 Kiryuu-born Ryuu Shima is believed to the first female photographer (Bunsei6- 1899). Her grandson Katsuji has preserved her 'picture-taking mirror', what she called the wooden box-type camera (black box) she usually used; portrait photos taken by Ryuu of her husband, Koku Shima (Busei10-1870); 'A Diagram of Ryuuko Kappa', Koku's photos of Ryuu; snapshots of Hitotsubashidainagon, a 15th generation commander Yoshiki, with Dutchman Garatoman; a promotional piece from Photo Hall; Ryuu's well-worn whistle, one-stringed Koto and Biwa; and other objects.

 With the help of Eisuke Yamaga's investigative work (Eiraku-cho), the camera pieces were found in various corners of the Shima family storehouse. It appears that an Edo teacher made the 18.5 cm high, 34 cm deep Japanese cedar camera.

 Takeshi Ozawa, the Kyushu industry guru, took it to an Azabu, Tokyo camera specialist store to have it restored. In the Edo period, Ryuu worked as secretary to the Hitotubashi family. She met Koku when he came to the house to do translation and other work. After marriage, Ryuu learned the art of photography from her husband and worked as a female photography teacher. After her husband died when she was 47, Ryuu opened a business in Kiryuu.

 Koku, who worked as a clerk at Kaseijo, the predecessor of Tokyo University, hastened completion of lead printing type in order to print a textbook for the university's east school (School of Medicine). Mr. Shima has kept the 389 No. 3 type blocks he used, as well as 7 volumes printed with the type - 'Chemistry Instruction', 'Urine Inspection Summary', 'Dissection Study', 'Cholera Thesis', etc. Our country's first printing type is currently being researched by a specialist.

 The couple lived in very exciting times, through the coming of Commander Perry (1853), the Ueno War (1867) and the opening of the country to foreign trade. At Johnen temple in Asakusa, there is a monument to Koku's good deeds, 'Professor Koku's Abbreviated Biography' (erected 1871) and in front of the gate to Hosen temple in Umeda-cho 1-chome, there is the 'Ryuu Shima Monument' (erected October, 1989).

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