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Writer Jun Minamikawa 's home (Tsune Akiyama)
Hishi-machi 3-chome Kiryu-city

 作家、南川潤(本名、秋山賢止、大正2〜昭和33)は昭和19年、ツネ夫人のふるさと桐生へ一家5人で疎開、43歳で急逝するまでの14年間を過ごした。 桐生川を見下ろす岸辺の小高いところに住まいがあり、南川が好んだ雑木林の裏山が広がっている。自宅には愛用の桐机や文房具、書籍、レコード、手づくりの木製ブローチとネックレス、ガラス絵、父行蔵が黒柿の木を削ってつくった将棋の駒と携帯用将棋盤など、数々の遺品が保存されている。クラシックやシャンソン、映画音楽など200枚を超えるSP盤レコードもある。



 Writer Jun Minamikawa (real name - Kento Akiyama, 1913 - 1958) was evacuated with his family of five to Kiryuu, Tsune's wife's hometown, in 1944. When he died a sudden death at the age of 43, he had spent a total of 14 years in the city.

 His residence is situated on a rise looking down on the Kiryuu river with the forested mountains that he loved spread out behind it. In the house, the author's well-worn pawlonia desk, stationery, books, records, a glass mirror, a shogi set made from black persimmon by his grandfather (?), his wife's hand-made wooden brooch and necklace and various other momentos are preserved. There are also more than 200 slow playing records of classical music, chansons, movie soundtracks, etc.

 "In the garden facing the river, he would often listen to records. At any given moment, a coastal concert courtesy of the hand-cranked gramophone would begin", says Tsune's wife. The writer, Ango Sakaguchi, came to Kiryuu to live at the urging of his friend, Mr. Minamikawa. Tsune's elder brother, Katsuya, recalls, "I often used to go to Ango's house. That 'vagabond' author was never anything but kind to me".

 Mr. Minamikawa left behind many friends in the city when he died; friends he made at Johmou Literature Association, Kiryuu Culture School, the painting group 'Q Circle', 'Kiryuu Young People's Times' and through his efforts to have atomic and hydrogen bombs banned, for which he won the Vienna Peace Prize.

 In 1977 in Azuma Park next to 'Kangatei', Jun's friends and fellow writers erected a monument to him with one phrase carved on it - 'Window Opening Season' (published in 1948). "There is something that makes you love this city like it was your own home", says Tsune.

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Copyright 1988 by S.Neko & KAIC