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Mushrooms and mushroom cuisine research (Masahiro Uchida)
Higashi 4-chome Kiryu-city




 Mr. Uchida's collection consists of documents on mushrooms, specimens, mushroom recipes, ornaments and wall tapestries bearing the names of mushrooms, and other items. After finding a new kind of mushroom on Mt. Cyausu in August, 1991, he announced his discovery in 'Japan Funghi Academy Bulletin' and won the right to name it.

 He called the mushroom the 'Hail-dotted, red gilled cap' (Hyomon-urabenigasa, scientific name - Pruteus panterinus) because its yellowish cap is covered with white spots resembling hailstones and its underside is light red.

 It is not known whether the mushroom, which ranges from 6 to 8 cms. in height with a 5 to 6 cm. cap, is poisonous. A member of the Japan Funghi Academy, Mr. Uchida is a mushroom and mushroom cuisine scholar.

 He has written 10 books, including 'Japan's Mushrooms' (Yama to Keikokusya) and 'The Mushroom Book' (Bunkasyuppankyoku). In Nisatomura nikkawa, in addition to a documents room and a research room, there is also a funghi restaurant called 'Kinrintei'.

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