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Votive pictures, folklore, and toys (Kazumasa Koike)
Honcho 5-chome Kiryu-city





 In a warehouse on Itoya street that was once filled with plantains and other greens from foreign lands, large and small votive pictures, folk tools, local toys, horse harnesses, clay bells, dyed fabric, folk illustrations and countless other items are displayed. The shop's pillars and tables were made with old wood from private homes and planed with a kind of rare hand axe.

 There are several folk art stores housed in warehouses but this shop, started after the war, is one of the forerunners. "In Japan you can count on five fingers the number of 'different' shops", says Kumata Ryoji, who introduced the store for this guide. From its interior garden to its handwashing facility, it is unique.

 There is also a space for puppet shows and small performances, art works by the former owner, Mr. Gyoshin, and a small booklet, 'Kiryuu Songs', printed using wooden blocks by Mr. Koike. Mr. Koike says, "The recipe for Calcutta curry on the menu was taught to me by some exchange students" - a comment in keeping with the atmosphere of this people's meeting place.

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Copyright 1988 by S.Neko & KAIC