ホーム ] 上へ ] 群馬大学工学部講堂 ] 桐生倶楽部 ] 桐生川ダム発電所 ] 旧日本織物会社発電所 ] 彦部家屋敷 ] 浄運寺の「安土宗論記録」 ] 日本絹撚会社事務所 ] 賀茂神社・自然緑地保護地区 ] 天満宮・自然緑地保護地区 ] 水道山記念館 ] 崇禅寺・緑地環境保全地域 ] [ 桐生七福神めぐりの寺々 ] 桐生明治館 ]


Kiryuu's Seven Gods of Good Fortune temples (Ryouei Tsuboi)
(Yoshio Noguchi)
Miyamoto-cho 3-chome Kiryu-city
Tel:(0277)22-4854・Kohmei Temple office


・ 「ぐんま100選」に選ばれた鳳仙寺。
・ 青蓮寺、県の重要文化財「金銅善光寺三尊仏」
・ 西方寺、県の重要文化財「木造阿弥陀如来像」

 On the east face of Mt. Azuma, near the prefectural nature reserve, Ogawa Art Gallery, Azuma Garden and the train station, is a 7.5 km pilgrims' trail, completed December, 1991. Each of the temples on the route has one of the seven Gods of Good Fortune as its historic festival deity.

 Benzaiten (Kohmei Temple, Miyamo-cho 3-chome), Juroujin (Myoon Temple, Nishihisakata-cho 1-chome), Daikokuten (Houkyo Temple, same address), Fukurokuju (Seiren Temple, same address), Ebisu (Hisamasa Temple, Tenjin-cho 3-chome), Bisyamonten (Hohsen Temple, Umeda-cho 1-chome), Hotaison (Nishikata Temple, same address).

 Hohsen Temple's circular storehouse, main temple gate and bell are important cultural assets of the city, while its 'Tomb of Narishige Yura' was named a Kiryuu historical site. The large miscanthus, 29.5 meters high, 3.72 meters in circumference and estimated to be 520 years old, in front of the main temple became the city's first protected tree in September, 1977.

 Hohsen Temple and Oka Park were the two places from Kiryuu selected for 'Gunma Top 100'. Seiren Temple's 'Kindozenkoujisansonbutsu' and Nishikata Temple's wooden Amitabha Buddha are prefectural cultural assets, while the latter's 'Tomb of Kiryuujiruidai' is a city historical site.

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